WW Update: Week 19 Results

Friday and feelin’ good!

For week 19, I lost 2 pounds for a total of 27 pounds lost.
I am 13 pounds away from my “40 pounds lost by September 1st” goal.

Wow, I can’t believe it has been 19 weeks. Seems like such a short time. I’ve almost hit that 30 lb. mark and I expect to be there in two more weeks.

My staples for this week have been:
– Bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S! (Gwen Stefani reference)

My saving grace this week:
– Portion control. Again. This week I ate a lot of what everybody else ate, but relied on keeping my portions under control! Seems like it worked.

Featured meal this week:
Nothing new.

I have been loving frozen bananas with chocolate and peanut butter. Not the healthiest, I know, but it’s my substitute for ice cream right now. I peel a banana, spread 1 T of peanut butter on top, and melt 1 oz. of milk chocolate chips and spread them over top. I pop it in the freezer and wait til the banana becomes chill and the chocolate is nice and hard. Yum!

Eating out this week:
We celebrated Jeremy’s new job by having a family dinner at an Italian restaurant on Sunday. I didn’t hold back… I had all the bread and dipping oil, salad dressing, and creamy pasta that I wanted. The did two things well. 1. I split an entree with my mom and 2. I listened to my body and stopped eating when I was full. I took home leftovers, but let someone else eat them.

Working out this week:
Not my best week in this department.
– Tuesday: Walked 5 miles at Wilson’s Creek

No Zumba or PiYO this week because the instructor was out of town. I attempted to go to the assistant instructor’s class on Thursday, but I figured out that they had bumped it to Wednesday… an empty parking lot was my clue. But hey, at least I got in my car and went!

Visible changes this week:
Less belly fat.

Goals for next week:
Track every little snack, no matter how few points it is.


6 thoughts on “WW Update: Week 19 Results

  1. Woohoo! Good for you! You’re totally going to hit your goal! Weight Watchers is awesome. I love being able to still live my life while losing weight!

  2. Congrats on 2 pounds this week! Sounds like you are doing a lot of good things. Hey, if you can fit bananas with chocolate/pb, more power to ya. Bananas are good for you, peanut butter is good for you in moderation, and chocolate is downright necessary to some degree, so it doesn’t sound unhealthy to me! 🙂

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