Bird nests

For a perfect Saturday morning brunch, I recommend these scrumptious and very simple bird nests.

This idea came from Katie Brown Workshop and I modified if to our tastes.

6 eggs (we used jumbo eggs)
3 T milk (we used skim)
1/2 cup shredded cheddar
1 cup loosely packed baby spinach
1 quarter of a large yellow onion, finely chopped
1 package of turkey bacon (we used Oscar Meyer)

Medium sized mixing bowl
Small skillet
Food processor, for faster chopping
Cupcake tin
350 degree oven

Here’s how to make the bird nests:
1. Wisk together eggs and milk. Add cheese.
2. Sautée onions in oil or butter. We used olive oil. When they are soft and translucent, add spinach. Wilt spinach for two minutes over the heat. Remove from heat.
3. Add the onion and spinach mixture to eggs.
4. Line a cupcake tin with the bacon. I used two strips of bacon per cupcake depression. Line the edges with one. Then use the other to cut in three to four pieces to line the bottom.
5. Pour in the egg mixture. Fill to 3/4 full.
6. Bake at 350 degrees or until done.
7. Let the nests sit for five minutes before digging in!
